
Thursday 30th November 2023 – The crying doesn’t stop

I thought I knew it all when I had Amira, but the truth she was just an easy baby. I am glad I made this at baby number 3 or my advice would have been completely out of touch.

I’ve had one crying child after the other for over 12 hours and I think it’s my turn to have a cry.

It was seriously tough. The worst part is , you can’t just leave everything and go take a breather. Not even a moment in the bathroom before someone attempts to gain entry.Then up all night with baby Elias screaming to a different octave.

I hope tomorrow will be better.

It’s a shame, I try everything to make sure the day runs smoothly but it goes pear shaped anyway.

Trying to get everything done so I can spend some quality time with them…I need to give myself a break. I am trying to please everyone but myself right now.

It is not selfish to look after myself too. In fact, it will probably help maintain a healthy relationship with everyone, otherwise resentment from both sides could happen.

I know how crazy this newborn stage is and it has been no different so far but the crazy thing is, we still try to cherish the moments and be happy despite the exhaustion.

Once they are asleep, we find ourselves looking back at the pictures of them. I love them all so much.

I cannot wait until we get out routine sorted and baby begins to sleep longer, because we all know what sleep deprivation does to a person…

Take it easy, today was hard but its only made me stronger for tomorrow.

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